Re:Engage TNG
Four friends return to a sci-fi series we all have a strong connection to - Star Trek: The Next Generation. It debuted in 1987 when we were all young, and now in 2020, we re-engage with the series, one episode at a time, and re-consider Star Trek from a new perspective as grown-up fans.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Clues - s4e14
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
If it wasn't for that dang moss, those Paxans would have gotten away with it! So Picard asks for the chance to do it once more, with feeling. Special Guest Shareef Jackson returns to talk about this unique Star Trek episode, and as a new father, he's also never sure if he was unconscious for 30 seconds or much longer. Whoopi Goldberg is woefully misused in the Dixon Hill re-visit, but we're glad the secretary stays consistent. Data is sus, but he gets a sweet voiceover. Greg hosts this episode and talks himself out of liking it by the end.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Special Guest: Shareef Jackson (@ShareefJackson on Twitter, and on Insta)
Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)
Audio Editor: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e15 "First Contact" and we don't know who is hosting!
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Devil’s Due - s4e13
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy? We go down to Georgia, er, Ventax II to visit with Ardra, who's apparently a devil-like figure that's come to collect on a thousand-year-old debt. She's got earthquakes, she's got riots, and she's got camp bleeding out of her eyeballs! Picard wants nothing to do with her flim-flam show, and he assembles a crack team of investigators to try Ardra in the court of Data. They salvaged this script from the failed Star Trek series Phase Two to become something of an anomaly this season, a comedic romp more suitable to the Swinging 60s than the Sensitive 90s pony tail guy. Kate sings us in with this one!
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)
Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e14 "Clues" hosted by Greg with special guest Shareef Jackson returning!
Monday Feb 13, 2023
The Wounded - s4e12
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Meet the Cardassians! We welcome a very special guest to Re:Engage with his own performance introducing this culture to the Star Trek canon. It's incredible how much impact one drink of danar in 10 Forward with O'Brien has on the franchise. The accomplished actor Time Winters joins and delights with stories from the set filming "The Wounded," an extremely on-the-nose episode investigating Captain Ben Maxwell's lingering animosity for one's former enemies. The fact that this episode aired when the Gulf War began doesn't feel like an accident. Erik hosts our bridge crew and we collectively make Time blush for all the compliments we give him on this trailblazing performance. Time is definitely much nicer than Gul Macet.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)
Special Guest: Time Winters, he's played many parts over the years, (on imdb) including Glinn Daro in this very episode!
Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Audio Editor: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Re:Engage is taking a few weeks to record more episodes. Next up is s4e13 "Devil's Due" and we don't know who hosting yet!
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Data’s Day - s4e11
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
This episode inspired both the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life" and the entire run of the sitcom of the 90s "Seinfeld." And that's canon! Data's voiceover diary entries written to Dr. Bruce Maddox are the wrapper of the slice of life episode, the first of its kind for the franchise. But this nothingburger day is nothing but - so many things happen! Including the wedding of O'Brien to Keiko Ishikawa, a birth, a Sherlock Holmes reference, a hair coloring, and a fake death ... of a Salesman in the original Klingon. Truly one of the funniest episodes of Star Trek, which Greg mentions as host ad nauseum.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Panel: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Audio Editor: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e12 "The Wounded" hosted by Erik!
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
The Loss - s4e10
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Marina Sirtis pulled the short straw on this script. What should have been a great vehicle for her to show her chops ends up falling a little flat. GET IT!? The Enterprise is pulled along in the wake of what the bridge crew discover to be two-dimensional beings. At the same time, Counselor Troi loses the ability to feel others' feelings and to have any rational response to those things happening at the same time. She resigns as counselor - until she gets a great talking to from Guinan and saves the day by coming up with the moth to the flame analogy. Jimmie hosts this one, wishing it was better.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Panel: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e11 "Data's Day" hosted by Greg!
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Final Mission - s4e9
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Let's all sing "Say Goodbye to Wes Crusher" to the tune "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Billy Joel. Or not. The meter doesn't really match up, kinda like how this episode's plot doesn't match the gravitas of Wesley's final episode. Picard wants Wesley to come with him on some cockamamie miner's quarrel mission right before the boy is to ship out to Starfleet Academy. They've been dangling this for years, but now he's finally out of the picture. Jimmie couldn't be happier. But then the shuttlecraft they're on crashes in the desert and Wesley has to tricorder his way out of things while Picard actually tells him nice things for once. Too bad the old man waited until he was literally dying to do so. Oh, and there's a gruff old(er) captain too. It's a mess. Enjoy!
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Panel: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e10 "The Loss" hosted by Jimmie!
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Future Imperfect- s4e8
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Riker will have to grow old eventually people, let's get it over with. Here the crew jumps 16 years into the future but Riker's son recreates the Enterprise slightly imperfectly. Peace with the Romulans? Ferengi ensigns? Marrying a simulation? Well, in sci-fi, anything is possible. The writing here goes out of its way to feel original, and the performances by Frakes and guest kid Chris Demetral as Jean-Luc Riker. Too bad Tomalak couldn't figure out what to do with his hands.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Audio Editor: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e9 "Final Mission" hosted by Kate!
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Reunion - s4e7
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Spoiler Alert! Worf had a secret baby with K'Ehleyr and thought right before a tense moment of negotiation between the Klingon Empire and the Federation was the best time to lay it on him. Then she has the gall to be murdered for figuring out he was discommendated because of something Duras' father did. How rude! Picard is asked to pick the next leader of the Klingon Empire for some reason, and everything works out in the end with a nice cold plate of revenge. Isn't interstellar politics grand? Thanks to Erik for calling back his little kid voice from Family s4e2 while hosting this one.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG)
Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG) and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e8 "Future Imperfect" hosted by Greg!
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Legacy - s4e6
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Remember Tasha Yar? And the failed colony she came from? Well it's gotten even worse now, and Tasha's sister is there to make sure it stays that way. A pair of Federation crewmen are held in captivity, and the Enterprise crew has to get them back by working with one of the factions. Ishara Yar lures them in with some fancy bluffing, action moves, and the smooching of Data's cheek. Then she shows her true colors and skill in wearing sci-fi costumes to the nines. Kate hosts this one and edited the audio to boot!
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Panel: Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG), Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG) and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Audio Editor: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e7 "Reunion" hosted by Erik!
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Remember Me - s4e5
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Quoth the raven, remember more! Dr. Crusher brings her acting chops to this episode as she welcomes on an old friend to the Enterprise before - bloop! - he straight up disappears. Worf ain't having it and neither is Picard, as they try to figure out the missing people problem. Turns out Wesley's to blame, sigh, again, as he created a rogue worp bubble in engineering. There's only one person who can phase in to take care of this problem, and it's Majel Barrett as the computer wrestling with the fact that Dr. Crusher doesn't have the skills to fulfill the mission of the Enterprise all by herself. Special guest Danielle Beckman (@dbeckcomedy on Twitter), star of Greg's short film Ex-Husband (@ExHusbandFilm on Twitter) beams in to add her Star Trek remembrances in Erik's absence.
Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!
Host: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter, @greg_tito on IG)
Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG) and Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Special Guest: Danielle Beckman (@dbeckcomedy on Twitter)
Audio Editor: Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter)
Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on Twitter,
Theme music: Ryan Marth
Next up is s4e6 "Legacy" hosted by Kate and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG) will be back!
Four friends return to a sci-fi series we all have a strong connection to - Star Trek: The Next Generation. It debuted in 1987 when we were all young, and now we re-engage with the series, one episode at a time, and re-consider Star Trek from a new perspective as grown-up fans.